Audio On-Line

“Faith by Hearing” is our 15-minute weekly English program.

We now distribute our English language audio programs from this website. All of our audio files are in MP3 format.
When you click to access a file your computer will ask you if you want to open it or save it.

All of the feature series are available in both text and audio formats.

In this letter James deals with a lot of practical matters and regardless of what you are facing, this has something to say at a very personal level.

Truths from the Book of Ruth
A six part series on “Truths from the Book of Ruth” with our guest and FBH board member, Viji Roberts.
Human nature hasn’t changed and that’s one of the reasons why in studying the spiritual lessons in the Book of Ruth we will find many applications relevant to us living in the 21st century.

Studying Ephesians
In this series, Ron Hughes explores the book of Ephesians paragraph by paragraph, offering both insights and applications.

Name of Jesus
Often we focus our attention on books of the Bible but for the next few weeks we’re going to do a topical study, looking at many passages that all shed light on the significance of the name of Jesus.

Things We Know About God
In this series of features, Ron Hughes and Viji Roberts draw our attention to some things about God – God is happy, He is personal, He is present, He is humble and He desires to draw us into the circle of His love as friends.